Spending your hard-earned money is A-Okay as long as you splurge it with beneficial things. Also, as much as possible, you must think twice or thrice before swiping your credit card. Is it worth the money? How often will I use it? I’m saying this because there are six featured products by Forbes that made me ask these questions.

Royal Coffee Maker

How often do you drink coffee in a day? Well, according to Italian researchers, drinking coffee lessens the risk of a person getting liver cancer by 40%, while consuming three cups a day might decrease it by 50%. I’m not saying that you should, but why not? In case you’re looking for a fancy coffee machine, why not consider purchasing the Royal Paris Royal Coffee Maker? This one is made up of 24K Gold or silver that’ll definitely fit into your kitchen. Since this piece is handcrafted, only eight pieces are being made every month, and its price ranges from $10,000 to $18,000.


Inirv React

Are you anxious about leaving your gas stove? Did you turn it off properly? This product might be the best solution for you to have peace of mind. The Inirv React can be easily installed on your stove knob. In case you’re uncertain while at work, just log in to the app and have the relief you needed. In case you’re at home and still have other things to do besides cooking, you can set the timer to turn off the stove and this will make sure that you’ll have a perfectly cooked meal. However, your comfort will cost you $200 for four knobs. Worth the investment for your kitchen? Maybe.

Griffin Technology Connected Toaster

Tech-savvies might scratch their heads for this one? This Griffin Technology Connected Toaster is “a full-featured digital toaster that helps users toast smarter.” Just a reminder, before you spend some of the money from your cash loan, Bluetooth can only work within several feet away, so in case you went to see your child or get something from another room, problems in connectivity might occur. However, if you find this interesting, you can have this for just $100.


I know that it’s kinda irritating that while you’re in a meeting, a social gathering, or a romantic date, someone keeps calling. Since you’re also anxious, you will answer the phone, but letting someone hear your conversation is significantly uncomfortable. So a product called HushMe came as an answer to this not-so-big problem. This product can be connected to your mobile device via Bluetooth and could be worn just like a mask. This will cover your entire mouth, so worry no more about your prying workmates.


Many could possibly relate to the work and effort needed to clean the grill after using it for the weekend, right? Well, something has your back and may be worth a money loan. Introducing the Grillbot! This barbeque grill cleaning robot is said to remove meat shards burned to your grill, and of course, the grease! It has a built-in timer that you can set, for hands-free cleaning. On Amazon, you can have this delivered to your house for $109.95, plus the shipping fee.
