
Glenn Close is considered one of the great actresses of our time. Among her awards include three Tony Awards, three Emmy Primetime Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards. Close became one of the Academy Award’s most nominated actresses. In 2016, the multi-awarded actress was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame. Time magazine named close one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2019. Close received an honorary doctor of arts degree at William & Mary.


She has starred in numerous films throughout her career, including The World According to Garp, The Big Chill, The Natural, Jagged Edge, Maxi, Fatal Attraction, to mention a few. She also appeared in stage plays like Love for Love, The Rules of the Game, The Member of the Wedding, Rex, The Crazy Locomotive, Wine Untouched, The Winter Dancers, Barnum, The Real Thing, Benefactors, and many more. Unsurprisingly, her daughter Annie Starke also became an actress who appeared on film and Broadway.
